WARNING Graphic Photos: I feel I should make the link to this Drudge report's page available so everybody out there can see exactly who the bad guys are. It may be just me but I think I'd rather be sitting on top a bunch of my buddies naked than to have this happen to me. I don't care who you are, nobody wants their head HACKED off while they are still alive...Islamic or not.
You will see a guy in the middle holding a white piece of paper, that's the f@ck'er who whipped out the 12 inch knife and hacked away. You may wish him a indefinite future in hell like I did.
One note: that is real folks. If you don't believe it I will send you the file I downloaded off Kazaa so you can see for yourself. Or you can just take the pictures for what they are.
Damn straight, I say blow'em to hell. Those dogs don't deserve a bullet, make it slow.
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