Oh my god this guy is funny. I had to stop reading it in the computer lab because I was starting to cry because I was laughing so hard. But this wasn't your regular laugh out loud, eyes crying shit. This was I have to hold it in because everybody is looking at me wondering WTF is wrong with me, shoulders going up and down silently, laughing. The best part is where he talks about having to take a dump at an inoppertune time. I know exactly what he's talking about. Speaking of inoppertuned timing....got to go.
Funny thing about the video game kid...
Sean "downloaded" in his pants in the ocean last weekend. I guess he really had to go, and then he coined the term "downloaded". So next time you're "downloading" songs, movies, documents, etc...just have that lovely mental picture in your head.
This is good stuff, that guy had a serious mental image of how to illustrate that story.
Ah, yet another Seanism to remember, and a classic.
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