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Friday, February 25, 2005

This is why google is as cool as it gets.

1. go to ""
2. search for "books and culture"
3. you'll see at the top of the page...

Book results for books and culture

Books and Culture - by Hamilton Wright Mabie - 279 pages

3. click on the title and it'll take you to a page with no ads containing the scanned book.
4. click on "find this book in a library"
5. on the next page enter your zip code and it'll give you a list of the closest libraries where you can get your hands on the physical copy.

Pretty Darn cool.

Google plans on having 27 million volumes scanned in the next couple years.

Monday, February 07, 2005

For some reason I've always been infatuated with the world of Industrial Design. This includes the time before I knew that the idea of Industrial design had a word for it. Before that realization, it was an abstract idea in my head. I was pretty excited to learn that there was a study in the field. It always seemed to me that everybody overseas had really cool looking stuff i.e., washer, dryers, refrigerators, etc. They had better looking Industrial Designed stuff...YES! That is what it was.

Sorry I digress.

After looking up Industrial design museums in Google I found this guy, Jonathan Ive. He is the man responsible for the design of the iMac and iPod and other cool Apple products (check out the link for of his award winning designs). He was hired on with Apple to be the vice-president of industrial design. And works side by side with Steve Jobs. What a cool job.

That is it. Just some guy I think should get some credit. And no Kris...I do not want to marry him.

peace out

Just in case anybody really cares. I had to search google for "html color codes" and hand pick the right color for the background of the UNT-MET add in the upper-left hand of this page. That's the trouble I go through for aesthetics of my blog for my readers. FYI that color blue is #003366 in html.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Today I created a new Yahoo group, UNT-MET: UNT MET Students. So feel free to join if you are a UNT MET student and would like to get together with other students to study for tests and work on homework.

You can also join by entering you email into the banner in the upperleft corner of this page.

Join the fight. Join the grid!