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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Dude, hope this guy doesn't blow a tire. He is hauling some serious ass. Notice the bad street racing ettiquette, he goes on 3 instead of 1. Watch the guys fingers count down in the supra.

Here's a quote from the Post. "Here's a video of me spinning the car to about 7100rpms in 4th gear during a race with a Supra.....I think the high rpm runs + an X pipe make for a semi exotic sound. I plan on bumping the rev limiter to 7400rpms soon so hopefully it'll sound even better."

Did this cop do the right thing?

Free Vote Caster from
Free Vote Caster from

Having trouble mentally picturing what a million looks like, how about 1 billion, or 100 billion. How about how many pennies it would take to fill the Empire State Building. Well if so definitely check out this site.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

This is the coolest video I think I've found thus far in the internet. If your a car person you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Two things while watching this video: 1. Watch his keys for a sense of G's and 2. listen to the beautiful sounds of the exhaust overature.

Here's the forum page I found it on.

Click on

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Oh my god this guy is funny. I had to stop reading it in the computer lab because I was starting to cry because I was laughing so hard. But this wasn't your regular laugh out loud, eyes crying shit. This was I have to hold it in because everybody is looking at me wondering WTF is wrong with me, shoulders going up and down silently, laughing. The best part is where he talks about having to take a dump at an inoppertune time. I know exactly what he's talking about. Speaking of inoppertuned to go.

Awesome...If this dog can walk on two legs? Just think about what you can overcome. Kind of creepy but very cool.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I just returned from being in South Carolina for the weekend. I met my Dad there for the 2004 BMW Roadster Homecoming. All Z3's and now Z4's and X5's are made there for the whole world. Each day had it's major event:
Friday was taking a tour of the Plant.
Saturday was three driving experiences. 1.Driving the X3 on BMW's off-road course, 2.Driving a BMW 330iHP in a wet circle placing catch up to 330i. 3. Driving a Z4 with a SMG tranny on their road course. All three were a lot of fun.
Sunday was the culminating day. We started off at 9:00am meeting at an Exxon and caravaning 7 deep through some cool SC highways leading to Brevard, SC for lunch. From there Dad and I broke away to slay the Dragon. What's all this dragon non-sense I'm talking about? Glad you's a stretch of road on US 129 from NC - TN. There are 318 turns during an 11 mile stretch of road. All I can say is intense. It's pretty much like every car commercial where they're barreling down some twisty mountain road except there's people hauling ass from the other way. Sweep a corner wide? Chance taking out a crotch-rocket sweeping his corner wide. Yea it's pretty intense. I read on the official website,, that they avg. 1.3 deaths/yr.
"MYTH: Riders die every week at the Dragon. We have kept an accurate count of the deaths on the Dragon since 1995. The total count is 12., for an average a little better than 1.3 deaths a year. That is too many, but compared to the number of riders who come each year it is very low. We know of no deaths in cars or trucks."
All in all, I can't wait to buy myself a roadster and go drive this baby some more.

Sorry for such long times inbetween posting. For all of you who I haven't talked to in a while, school has began once again for me. I'm taking 16 credit hours of mechanical engineering tech and loving it. There's nothing like getting a second chance at school with all the hindsight of doing it was before. It gives you a chance to step back and enjoy it. Which I'm trying to do everyday.

Join the fight. Join the grid!